Dismantling Racism

Middle Level Education Research SIG Living Statement on Dismantling Systems of Racism

As the Middle Level Education Research Special Interest Group, we are committing to thinking through and acting on changes that empower and liberate middle level scholars, educators, and young adolescents and their families. The recent racial injustices, including the murders of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd, have elevated our awareness that our research and practices can no longer essentialize or stereotype the young adolescent experience; we must recognize the harm that doing so causes to all, but especially Black youth.  

As a SIG, we are committed to using our power as researchers to dismantle systems of racism by:

  • Uplifting the voices and experiences of Black scholars, educators, and young adolescents and their families in our work; 
  • Acknowledging the realities of young adolescents’ lived experiences, especially Black youth, in the pedagogical practices we promote; 
  • Expanding our research efforts to center anti-racist methodologies and pedagogical approaches;
  • Engaging our membership in ongoing dialogue that acknowledges the ways we’ve been complicit in racism and enhances our understanding of equitable and just practices.

We are a strong voice in the middle level education community. Let us work to hold each other accountable for our words and actions. Together, we stand to support our Black scholars, educators, and young adolescents and their families to create a pathway toward an equitable and just tomorrow.