Volume IV: Reforming Middle Level Education

reformingEdited by Sue C. Thompson, University of Missouri, Kansas City
Published by Information Age Publishing Inc.

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Foreword, Sue Swaim
Introduction: Policymakers, Please Think on These “Things”, John H. Lounsbury
Creating High-Performance Middle Schools: Recommendations from Research, Vincent A. Anfara, Jr.
The Importance of Having a Highly Qualified Principal in Every Middle Grades School, Sue C. Thompson
Creating Academically Challenging Middle Level Schools for Every Child, Ronald D. Williamson and J. Howard Johnston
Creating Quality in the Middle School Curriculum, James A. Beane
Creating Socially Equitable Middle Grades Schools, Nancy M. Doda
The Role of Accountability in Middle Level Schools, Dan French.
The Role of Teacher Preparation, Licensure, and Retention in Creating High-Performing Middle Schools, C. Kenneth McEwin, Thomas S. Dickinson, and Tracy W. Smith
Lessons Learned from Comprehensive School Reform Models, Nancy Ames
State-Level Policy Development, David A. Payton
Creating Common Middle-Level Knowledge: A New York Story, Jeannette Stern and Sandra L. Stacki
A New Vision for Professional Learning, Stephanie Hirsh. What of the Future? Deborah Kasak