Volume VI: The Young Adolescent and the Middle School

volume6Edited by Steven B. Mertens, Vincent A. Anfara, Jr., and Micki M. Caskey
Published by Information Age.

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Information Age


Introduction: The Young Adolescent and the Middle School
                      Steven B. Mertens, Vincent A. Anfara, Jr., and Micki M. Caskey

Chapter 1.  Health Promoting, High Performing Middle Level Schools:
The Interrelationships and Integration of Health and Education
for Young Adolescent Success and Well-Being
    Peter F. Mulhall

Chapter2.  “Put Me In, Coach”: The Psychology of Sport and Physical
Activity for Young Adolescents
  Leslee A. Fisher and Melissa N. Madeson

Chapter 3.  Under Construction: The Young Adolescent Brain
    Micki M. Caskey and Barbara Ruben

Chapter 4.  Language Factors in Literacy Achievement of Young Adolescents
       Francine Falk-Ross

Chapter 5.  Student Perceptions of Curriculum Integration and Community:
“Always Give Me a Chance to Shine”
Penny A. Bishop, Garet Allen-Malley, and Kathleen Brinegar

Chapter 6.  Gifted Learners in the Middle Grades: In Search of Equity and
         Carol Ann Tomlinson and Maureen Murphy

Chapter 7.  Socratic Seminar and Young Adolescent Motivation: A
Developmentally Appropriate Practice
 Molly M. Mee

Chapter 8.  The Interface of School and Family in Meeting the Belonging
Needs of Young Adolescents
          Lynley H. Anderman and Valerie S. Leake

Chapter 9.  The Unique Nature of Middle School Counseling
  Patrick Akos

Chapter 10.  Aligning Student Self and Identity Concerns with Middle
School Practices
      Thomas M. Brinthaupt, Richard P. Lipka, and Monica A. Wallace

Chapter 11.  Recognizing and Responding to Young Adolescents’ Ethnic Identity
           Dave F. Brown and Heather L. Leaman

Chapter 12.  A Glimpse into the School Lives of Young Adolescent Immigrant
and Refugee Students: Implications for the Middle Level
  David C. Virtue

Chapter 13.  Considering Single-Sex Academic Classes for Young Adolescents:
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun
         Frances R. Spielhagen

Chapter 14.  Examining the Transition from Middle School to High School:
Translating Research into Practice
Joshua Smith and Sungtaek Lim

Chapter 15.  Suicide, Schools, and the Young Adolescent
Teresa J. Rishel

Chapter 16.  Middle School Teacher Qualities: Looking for Signs of Dignity
and Democracy
Mark D. Vagle

Chapter 17.  A Schoolwide Approach to Promoting Young Adolescent Social
and Behavioral Success in Middle School
           Chris Borgmeier